Category: DevOps

How to Enable PHP Multi-Threading with Debug Mode

How to Enable PHP 7.2 Multi-Threading with pthreads Extension and Debug Mode to make sure it logs errors.

Import mysql file in docker container

import database directly into mysql container

[Resolved] Youtube videos not playing on Firefox for Ubuntu

Solution for resolving issue found on Firefox where youtube videos do no play.

Resolved – Git broken after macOS upgrade to Ventura 13.x

Upgraded macOs to Ventura 13.1 and Git stopped working. Here is how i fixed it

Resolved – SSH not working in MacOS Ventura

SSH not working after upgrading Mac OS to Ventura 13.x It happens when you have old version of OpenSSH on the host/server. Add following lines to your .ssh/config file to make it work with old version. It should look like this, SSH not working in MacOS Ventura is now resolved!

PHP multi threads – Setup PHP 7.2cli with Multiple Threads (pthreads) on Ubuntu

In this article I’m going to write steps required to setup PHP multi threads on your server. Make sure you read this before setting it up so you don’t end up running into same issues like me? Why PHP multi threads – CLI Version: Running app on PHP 5.6 for web app but need PHP7.2