Peham Raza – Full Stack Web Developer

Peham Raza

Full Stack Web Developer - trying to make a difference!

I have been creating solutions for various industries for 10+ year, including real estate, custom apparel, automotive, education, rentals, accouting, non-profit, digital marketing including email & social media marketing, process automations and more.

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Full Stack Web Developer


Full stack web developer having 10+ years of experience in web design & development.

Over the years I've got the opportunity to collaborate with many startups/ companies which helped me acquire knowledge & experience in a wide range of technologies and frameworks.

I can help you with every step of your project life-cycle, from choosing the right server, right technology stack, building your product, testing, deployment, to launch and after launch maintenance.

Some of the platforms I work on include WordPress, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii, Magento 1 & Magento 2, Shopify, Javascript, Vue.js

Talk to me to know more.

Read more about,

My Experience &
Technologies I have worked on &
Some Achivements

HTML, CSS, Sass, Less, Bootstrap, Material, TAILWIND


Database Design


Shopify, Shopify App Development, Shopify Themes Development


WordPress, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes Development


CodeIgniter, Laravel, Yii2


Magento 1, Magento 2, Magento Theme and Plugins


AngularJS, Angular 2, ExpressJS, NodeJs, MongoDB, MEAN Stack


VueJS, RreactJs


DevOps, Ubuntu, CentOS, AWS


Python/ Djangjo (learning)


Proven track record on Upwork

peham raza on upwork

I had to work really hard and had to be very patient to get to this point. But the hardships are totally worth it. What I think when I look back is that I did not give up and kept trying my best, project after project, no matter how small a task or how low the pay was.

I never stopped learning and improving myself to do best for my clients. Join me to create the next big thing!!


  • Top Rated Top Rated for 2+ years on upwork. Have a look at my profile for reviews
  • Top 10% in wordpress Top Rated in wordpress developers. Top 10% in wordpress skill test on upwork.
  • 100% Success Rate 100% success rate is difficult to maintain with long term projects but I have maintained it for a long time.
  • 1200+ hrs worked Not all projects I do are on upwork but I still managed to get over 1100+ hours logged via upwork.
Stuff I do for living

What I can do for you is

WordPress Development

I am listed in among top 5% wordpress developers on upwork with jobs success score of 100%. I can do any type of wordpress task from design, development, theme customizations or plugins development.

Custom CRM/ CMS

If you are looking for custom made CMS or CRM tailored to your specific needs. I can do that for you, over the years I have done many customized service oriented CMS that are made just for you.

Magento E-commerce

I can create you magento templates, converting your static design to a magento 1 or magento 2 theme or creating a complete custom ecommerce store. Click here for more info.

Server Setup & Maintenance

Whether you want to go with a VPS or a cloud instance like Amazon's EC2, I can setup the server, your dev environment and deploy your website for you. Click here for more details.

Customized Ecommerce Websites

I am proficient with widely used ecommerce softwares like woocommerce or magento 1 & 2 or a shopify site. Share your idea to get the best solution.

Website Design

I have been designing websites since before 2010. I can create a highly interactive website for you that works on all modern browsers and on all kind of devices. Click here for more info.

SaaS Development

I have been developing and maintaining SaaS products from more than 5 years. I have worked in various services, marketing, automation, social media etc

Single Page Applications

I have been working actively since past 2~3 years as of 2021 on SPAs in AngularJS, Vue, React with backend API in either PHP or Node/Express and other frameworks.

Blockchain Development

I'm inspired the web3.0 concepts and the impact it can have and trying to become a blockchain developer. I am at very beginning but learning fast.


Some of My Recent Projects

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My Clients

Thoughts and Experiences

What I've been up to

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How to Enable PHP Multi-Threading with Debug Mode

How to Enable PHP 7.2 Multi-Threading with pthreads Extension and Debug Mode to make sure it logs errors.

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Import mysql file in docker container

import database directly into mysql container

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[Resolved] Youtube videos not playing on Firefox for Ubuntu

Solution for resolving issue found on Firefox where youtube videos do no play.


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